3 Lowering to the Book

The book surface on which the gloves lie is also what the viewer sees, so we need to be careful to get it flat and true as it passes from either side, 'underneath' the gloves. And we mustn't damage it! - any stab marks or cuts in its surface will be readily visible. So, to protect it: don't go down quite as far as the book yet - you can skim to a finish later - and leave waste wood at the junction between gloves and book - you'll eventually undercut here anyway.


| 20 April 2016 19:51

Azucena - Cutting ACROSS the grain is a safe way of working: the shavings just fall away. If I were to cut ALONG the grain, there's a chance I may suddenly go against it and find the tool diving into the fibres. If I know it's alright to work along the grain - because I can 'read' it, there's no problem; but often I don't know. So just for ease of working I habitually do most of my roughing out across.

| 18 April 2016 15:52


Why do you choose cut across the grain when taking out the bulk of wood (as opposed to with the grain)? I've noticed you do this with other projects as well like initially lowering the back ground of a relief. I'm sure there's a good reason!


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