1 Bottom Line

There is no moral high ground in hand-sharpening.However, if you look at what past carvers have done only by hand-sharpening their tools you can see it's hardly to be dismissed.But power has advantages, which a busy carver would be foolish to ignore. And problems, which they'd be foolish not to overcome.

Do look at No Fear Sharpening for more about the sharpening 'process. Also the various notes on sharpening in the member's download page.

I've added more notes about Power Sharpening and Cratex wheels in the download - link below.


Subscriber download: Notes on Power Sharpening


| 24 October 2017 15:55

Patricia - I haven't tried the JoolTool and thus just a provisional comment and I'm not recommending it as such: It looks like it will do the job of the grinder for the outside bevel. That it's easier to get a flat outside bevel (compared to a normal wheel) seems an advantage; against this is the cost, which is a lot more then the simple 2-wheel grinder that I us, and which certainly does the job. Hope this helps!

| 23 October 2017 16:57

Hi Chris! I got a question. Have you tried the new sharpening system by JoolTool? If not can you look at it and tell me what you think? Here is a link to that site and some videos and reviews.Thanks a bunch for such informative videos:

| 27 July 2016 16:12

Ed - I do have a Tormek and I do use it, but not often; mainly for small tools, or where I am very wary of overheating thea blade. I find a domestic grinder for the local hardware store does what I need to do very successfully, is inexpensive and as long as I have cool water to hand and check the blade frequently, it works a treat.
However, if you do have a Tormek already, there's no problem. It's a bit slow but very safe and there's little need to get another.

| 26 July 2016 17:26

Chris, I notice on your home page you have a Tormak sharpener, but you don't show it in any of these videos. Do you use it at all? I know they are very expensive.

Ed Hanzel, Surprise, Arizona

| 21 July 2016 19:44

Klaus - Please see the download for details.

| 20 July 2016 23:27

Hi Chris,
Have you got a brand name and or supplier's name for the rubber diamond
impregnated wheels?
Thanks Klaus

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