11 Finishing

Yay! It's been a longer road than you might have expected but here we are at the final details, such as the pupil of the eye and scales. 

Now's the time for a final check over: surfaces, lines & junctions, before finishing with varnish to the seal the back (against the wall) and beeswax to the front.

I'm using thin beeswax here, thinner than I normally use on this site. No good reason except I was experimenting: thinner wax won't clog in details and you can add a couple of coats to build up. I still use the hairdryer method of warming the wood and wax to make it penetrate more.

Related Videos:

Making and Using Beeswax

Subscriber download: Pierced Relief Fish Notes and Working Drawing


| 31 May 2020 15:44

Pete - Yes, anything is possible! Things to bear in mind: the strength in the carving from the grain direction, tying weak elements to stronger ones and, perhaps, breaking the frame.
Hope all goes well!

| 30 May 2020 20:20

Truly Beautiful Chris. Enjoyed this one very much. unfortunately too busy with a figure carving at the moment but, I'd like to try something like this with a bird sweeping across the sky. do you think that would be possible?

| 21 May 2020 03:22

Very Very nice project Chris!!
More please ????

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