Signing your Carvings

Coming 20th February 2017:
3 Technical Lessons
These are stand-alone lessons that respond to members' questions. Useful and straightforward advice and information that every carver needs:
Sharp tools are everything to the carver. But it's easy to lose that edge! Recognise the 2 sorts of 'dull', where your tool needs some touching up, and let Chris tell you what to do about them.
Straight from the chisel, and straight from the master: understanding the geometry of some carving tools and the fundamental process whereby you leave a beautiful, lightly-facetted surface straight from that gouge!
Chris explores a variety of ways to add your name to your work, looking first at non-carving ways; then simple but effective use of your carving tools and, finally, his own personal favourite: the little brass plate you see in the photo. What's really special here is that not only does it look cool but it hides a secret!