3 Technical Lessons

Coming up 20th February 2020:
3 Technical Lessons
1. A Look at Slipstones
Since the special slipstones that Chris designed for woodcarvers have gone out of production (Norton contracting their inventory and carvers being a niche market...) we are back to whatever is available on the shelves.
2. Tiny Tools
In particular, a look at Dockyard, who make very small tools. Not all of them useful for the sorts of things Chris carves but they are well made and tempered. Which ones are most useful? What's the best way to hold them (a new grip!)? And transforming a chisel into a flat gouge which, at the moment is not on Dockyards inventory.
Disclaimer: We have no financial or vested interest in Dockyard tools but we do have an interest in showing you useful tools, especially ones Chris has used on Woodcarving Workshops.
3. Carving Knives
There's a huge field of knife carving: whittling. That's not what Chris does. His background in in traditional European carving using carving with two hands. Nevertheless, he does use knives occasionally: cleaning up the tight bits at the back of carvings, either when they, say, have been released from a paper sandwich or after backcutting.
So here are his thoughts on the best sort of knife for this work, best and safest ways of working with it and sharpening.