3 Technical Lessons

3 Technical Workshops:
Longbent (Long Bent) Gouges - Sometimes called 'Sowback' or 'Salmon' gouges - can be wonderful for carving long, 'slow' curves. So it's good to know about them and, of course, how to keep them properly sharpened.
Videos > Tools & Equipment > Longbent Gouges
Callipers - Not the common-or-garden variety but other, more specialised ones that can get into places other callipers can't reach. With them, you'll breath a sigh of relief as you carve as deeply without the risk of carving through to the other side!
Videos > Tools & Equipment > Odds & Sods > Hidden Depths
Visual Aids - If you can't see it properly, you can't carve it properly. Chris shares some of the visual aids he uses while carving. This is especially relevant to our older carvers but even young eyes will appreciate the difference.